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 Guild structure, roles, and the team

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Guild structure, roles, and the team Empty
PostSubject: Guild structure, roles, and the team   Guild structure, roles, and the team Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 9:55 am

Guild structure, roles, and the team

We decided to change the structure of the guild so that a person is the control of the guild (GM) and they will have a series of class leader
to help them take action and decisions. The same goes for many guilds.
Possibly we can make decisions faster and provide more stability.

The new grades:

1. Trial
For all newcomers to the guild. You will be at this level for about 30 days, and if the leader of the guild or the head hunter think
are an asset to the guild, and want to stay, you will be a member.

2. Members
Especially for those who have passed their trial and found their place in the guild. Also those who are trying to prepare for raids.

3. Raider
Active raiders in the guild.
To be determined by GM, but you must attend an average of 2 raids a week, without exception - work, etc, otherwise demoted to member.

4. Class leader
They can kick and recruit as necessary (in consultation with the head hunter), but can only achieve that ranking by the other
class leader / HH / GM of the guild, and if there is a vacancy. Help class members / talents / tactical / ect and also help coordinate
all members of the class on a raid, by ensuring that nothing comes into conflict and that sort of thing.

5. Head Hunter
Focused on people in the guild
1. Working with the GM / identify if the recruits are required
2. Liaise with the class candidates
3. Monitor behavior guild in the game - the handling of complaints, etc., both internally and externally and to give warnings
and tapes on the back.
4. Promotions and demotions, on a regular basis

6. Guild Master
The decision maker. In all control of the guild and has the last word on the Guild Related Issues
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